The culmination of the stories told in showcases 6-11 is a monumental panoply of oriental weapons. This is a reference to the two anniversaries of the Battle of Vienna, in 1783 in Nieśwież and in 1883 in the National Museum in Krakow, but also to the famous and rich booty that was taken to European countries from the Vizier’s camp near Vienna. In the 18th century they inspired the fashion for oriental products or products resembling them, as well as the collection of, among other things, weapons. Souvenirs of the participants in this famous battle were sought after by collectors, the result of cultivating the memory of the event of 1683. These and other cultural trends resulting from the Battle of Vienna will be discussed in the second part of the exhibition, to which this panoply also serves as an introduction.
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), 18th c.
Damascus steel, silver, horn, velvet
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), workshop of Assad Ullah, second half of the 17th c. (blade), 18th c. (fittings), 19th c. (decoration)
Damascus steel, gold, iron, steel, horn, inlay, forging
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), workshop of Assad Ullah, second half of the 17th c. (blade), 18th/19th c. (fittings)
Damascus steel, gold, brass, horn, forging, casting, inlay
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), workshop of Assad Ullah, second half of the 17th c. (blade), 18th/19th c. (fittings)
Damascus steel, horn, leather, silver, gold, forging, inlay, engraving
Ottoman Empire, fourth quater of the 18th c.
Iron, silver, walrus tusk, coral, forging, repoussé, stonesetting
From the former amoury of Sapieha family in Krasiczyn
Ottoman Empire, 18th/19th c.
Silver, iron, forging, repoussé, chiselling, punching, engraving
Gift of Erazm Barącz, 1922
Ottoman Empire (Balkans), 18th c.
Silver, brass, steel, leather, wood, bone, coral, inlay, forging, repoussé, engraving, punching, stonesetting
Ottoman Empire, 18th/19th c.
Iron, copper, brass, wood, horn, bone (tinted green), forging, gilding, chiselling, engraving, inlay, marquetry
From the former armoury of Piotr Moszyński in Krakow
Ottoman Empire, 18th/19th c.
Pattern welding, iron, silver, brass, wood, bone (white and tinted green), forging, inlay, chiselling, gilding
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Pattern welding, brass, silver, gold, wood, bone (white and tinted green), inlay, marquetry, engraving, embossing, gilding
From the former armoury of Piotr Moszyński in Krakow
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Pattern welding, steel, brass, silver, wood, bone (white and tinted green), mother of pearl, lacquerware (?), inlay, engraving, openwork, carving, gilding
Ottoman Empire, late 18th c.
Pattern welding, iron, brass, silver, gold, wood, ivory, bone, forging, gilding, silvering, appliqué, engraving, chiselling
Serbia, 19th c.
Iron, silver, horn, forging, repoussé, punching
Transferred from the Adrian Baraniecki Technical and Industrial Museum in Krakow. Gift of Julian Ciszewski, 1880
Ottoman Empire, 18th-19th c.
Iron, gold, brass, wood, bone, velvet, inlay, forging, niello (?)
India (blade), Ottoman Empire (Northern Africa) (fittings), 18th-19th c.
Damascus steel, wood, horn, gold, forging, inlay, engraving
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Iron, silver, gold, wood, horn, velvet, inlay, gilding
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire (hilt), Persia (blade, quillons), 18th/19th c.
Damascus steel, iron, silver, gold, horn, forging, engraving, chiselling, cutting, inlay
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire, late 18th c.
Iron, silver, damascus steel, horn, gold, forging, inlay, gilding, cutting, engraving, punching, chiselling
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire, 18th-19th c.
Iron, silver, gold, coral, filigree, inlay, forging, engraving
Gift of Feliks ‘Manggha’ Jasieński, 1920
Ottoman Empire (?), first half of the 18th c.
Silver, gold, repoussé, gilding, punching
Gift of Julia Glińska, 1935
Ottoman Empire, first half of the 19th c.
Brass, gold, embossing, gilding
Transferred from the Adrian Baraniecki Technical and Industrial Museum in Krakow
Ottoman Empire (?), 18th-19th c.
Wood, iron, silver, velvet, forging, inlay, blackening
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire, 19th c.
Iron, wood, velvet, forging, inlay, browning
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
India, 18th-19th c.
Wood, iron, velvet, gold, forging, glueing, inlay
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire or Persia (?), 18th-19th c.
Iron, silver, inlay, etching
Gift of Jan Peroś, 1932
Ottoman Empire, 18th-19th c.
Wood, iron, steel, gold, velvet, forging, inlay
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Persia, 19th c.
Iron, gold, engraving, forging, inlay, blackening, etching, cutting
India or Persia, 19th c.
Iron, wood, leather, silver, forging, blackening, inlay
Ottoman Empire, Bosnia (?), 19th c.
Iron, silver, ivory, forging, inlay, niello, polishing
Donated from the Adrian Baraniecki Technical and Industrial Museum in Krakow. Gift of gen. Zdzisław Hordyński
Ottoman Empire (Balkans), 18th c.
Iron, brass, coral, silver, copper, tin, ivory, filigree, inlay, gilding
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Damascus steel, wood, horn, gold, forging, inlay, engraving, carving
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire (grip), Persia (quillons, blade), Africa (blade decoration), 18th-19th c.
Damascus steel, horn, gold, forging, inlay, gilding, engraving, punching
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire (Africa), 18th c.
Damascus steel, iron, wood, horn, gold, forging, inlay, polishing
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), 17th-18th c.
Damascus steel, silver, gold, horn, gilding, punching, engraving, polishing
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Damascus steel, silver, gold, bone, inlay, gilding, openwork, engraving, polishing
Gift of Erazm Barącz, 1922
Poland or Ottoman Empire (?), first half of the 18th c.
Silver, repoussé, punching, gilding,
Gift of Julia Glińska, 1935
Ottoman Empire, 19th c.
Damascus steel, silver, gold, horn, brass, forging, engraving, inlay (koftgari), gilding
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), late 18th/19th c.
Damascus steel, silver, gold, horn, gilding, engraving, punching
Ottoman Empire (fittings), Persia (blade), 18th c.
Damascus steel, silver, horn, forging, engraving, carving
Ottoman Empire (hilt), Persia (blade, sheath, decoration), 17th-18th c.
Damascus steel, gold, horn, leather, wood, inlay, forging
Ottoman Empire, fourth quater of the 18th c.
Iron, wood, silver, coral, gold, forging, engraving, stonesetting, inlay
From the former amoury of Sapieha family in Krasiczyn
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Iron, silver, gold, coral, filigree, inlay, stonesetting
Gift of Erazm Barącz, 1922
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Iron, silver, gold, wood, forging, repoussé, punching, engraving, inlay, gilding
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Iron, wood, bone, brass, silver, horn, forging, inlay, engraving, chiselling, silvering
From the former armoury of Piotr Moszyński in Krakow
Ottoman Empire, Italy (lock), 18th c.
Iron, bone, wood, brass, engraving, inlay
Gift of Erazm Barącz, 1921
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Pattern welding, iron, brass, silver, gold, wood, coral, forging, gilding, inlay, stonesetting, engraving, chiselling, openwork
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Pattern welding, iron, brass, silver, gold, wood, bone, mother of pearl, tortoiseshell, lacquerware, forging, inlay, engraving, niello
Ottoman Empire, 18th c.
Iron, silver, gold, forging, inlay, engraving, openwork, cutting, punching