Drawer 11

Armament of the Caucasus

In the drawer are high-quality weapons from the Caucasus from the 19th century. During this period, these areas were places of exile for Polish political prisoners during the Russian partition, places of battle for Polish soldiers forcibly integrated into the Tsarist army, but also a fascinating place for ethnographers, naturalists, collectors and travellers.

1. Knife in kama type with sheath

1. Knife in kama type with sheath

Russia (?), 19th c.

Iron, wood, bone, silver, gold, velvet, forging, bluing, gilding, openwork, repoussé

2. Flintlock pistol

2. Flintlock pistol

Caucasus, ca. 1797

Iron, silver, gold, bone (walrus tusk), leather, forging, embossing, inlay, gilding, blackening, niello, punching, polishing

From the former armoury of Piotr Moszyński in Krakow

3. Caucasian kama with sheath

3. Caucasian kama with sheath

Caucasus, second half of the 19th c.

Iron, silver, horn, leather, wood, forging, punching, repoussé, niello, punching

Gift of Leon Kostka, 1949

4. Flintlock pistol

4. Flintlock pistol

Dagestan, 18th-19th c. (?)

Iron, steel (pattern welded), wood, silver, gold, gilding, forging, niello, inlay

5. Powder horn

5. Powder horn

Caucasus, 19th c.

Horn, silver, niello, repoussé, punching, polishing

Deposit of the Academy of Learning, 1886. Gift of Jan Fischer

6. Nielloed box

6. Nielloed box

Persia or Caucasus, 18th-19th c.

Iron, silver, inlay, niello

Deposit of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London