The drawer presents a selection of pistols from gunsmiths operating in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: the Gibenhan family from Warsaw, Szomański serving in the Potocki factory in Tulczyn, Ignacy Höfelmajer from Kraków.
An interesting item is a miniature pocket pistol from the workshop of Kazimierz Tabaczkowski in Lviv from around 1870. The gun operated using modern ammunition based on the invention of Casimir Lefaucheux.
Poland, Warsaw, workshop of Karol Ludwik Gibenhan, between 1810-1815 and half of the 19th c. (lock)
Iron, wood, horn, gold, silver, forging, engraving, blackening, carving, cutting
Gift of Stanisław Zenowicz, 1917
France, sign.: ‘Thiermay’ (barrel), ca. 1830; Poland, Tulczyn, sign.: A. Szomański, ca. 1810 (lock)
Iron, wood, wood, horn, forging, engraving, chiselling, inlay, bluing
From the former armoury of Piotr Moszyński in Krakow
Poland, Krakow, workshop of Ignacy Höfelmajer, after 1860
Steel, gold, wood, forging, engraving, chiselling, inlay, carving
Poland, Krakow, workshop of Ignacy Höfelmajer, after 1860
Steel, wood, forging, punching, engraving
Gift of Jan Wentzel, 1904
Poland, Lviv, workshop of Kazimierz Tabaczkowski, ca. 1870
Iron, mother of pearl, forging, engraving
Gift of Leon Kostka, 1939