Drawer 22

Stirrups in the world

The drawer gives you the opportunity to learn about different types of stirrups used around the world.

1. Stirrup

1. Stirrup

Europe, 19th c.

Silver, brass, casting, engraving

2. Women's stirrup in the shape of a slipper

2. Women's stirrup in the shape of a slipper

Spain or Peru (?), 19th c.

Copper, brass, silver, ruby, casting, repoussé, chiselling, engraving, silvering, soldering, punching, stonesetting



3. Stirrup

3. Stirrup

Spain, 18th c.

Iron, forging, openwork

4. Excavated stirrup

4. Excavated stirrup

Poland, 15th c.

Iron, forging

5. Shoe stirrup

5. Shoe stirrup

Near East, 18th c.

Iron, leather, forging, formowanie, sewing

6. Hutsul stirrup

6. Hutsul stirrup


19th c.

Horn, iron, brass, inlay, engraving, punching