The Persian and Indian daggers collected in this drawer give you the opportunity to take a closer look at the famous Damascus steel.
As a result of forging, then polishing and etching with acid, a unique pattern was obtained on the surface of the blade. They were delicate, light and dark strands winding in different directions. Damascus steel also had a unique color – from light gray to dark graphite, probably the result of the higher carburization of the steel.
Persia, turn of the 17th and 18th c.
Damascus steel, iron, brass, bone, forging, polishing
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895
Persia, 18th c.
Damascus steel, bone, forging, polishing
Gift of Erazm Barącz, 1922
Persia, 18th c.
Damascus steel, silver, forging, repoussé
India, 18th c.
Damascus steel, silver, forging, silvering
Gift of Władysław ‘Sefer Pasza’ Kościelski, 1895