Showcase 1

Between East and West

The first showcase introduces the exhibition. It is not only a symbolic reference to the beginnings of the Polish state around the year 1000. Two objects illustrate themes that will run throughout the exhibition. These include: the mixing of Eastern (helmet) and Western (sword) influences on Polish lands since the beginning of statehood. These are also 19th century attempts to date historical objects, often wrongly (helmet), but at the same time serving to create a historical vision through visual art, often far from the truth and leading to the mythologisation of cultural heritage.

1. Early medieval helmet

1. Early medieval helmet

Khazar Khaganate / Rutherland, 10th/11th c.

Copper, iron, gilding, repoussé, engraving

Deposit of the Jagiellonian University Museum

A helmet found in 1866 in a swamp in Gorzuchów along with the remains of chain mail. Gift of Konstanty Przeździecki for the Jagiellonian University

2. Excavated sword

2. Excavated sword

Poland (?), between 950-1100

Iron, forging

The sword was plowed in the village of Reczyn near Bodzanów (Płock poviat). Donated to the Museum in 1902 by Maria Żytyńska